SERI Webinars

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2024 Webinar Schedule

  • New Directions in Digital Preservation Data

    Nov 12, 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM (ET)
    During the BACKER Project (2021-2024), CoSA re-designed and reissued the DPCMM self-assessment survey in 2022 and 2024, aiming to measure the digital preservation maturity of its member organizations; we will share some insights as well as analyze the efficacy of our assessments as a tool Now that BACKER has concluded, CoSA is developing a new data-collection model for its member institutions and welcomes input. We will highlight our anticipated processes, and the metrics we are hoping to capture, but seek to have some discussion with the community on how to make our data work to achieve our missions within, and outside our own archival and records management communities. #SERIWebinar #CoSAWebinar